A  little  about   me

and the most handsome 9 year old boy, our athlete; they are truly my everything. Once I became a mother, everything changed. I didn't know a love to that magnitude was even possible, but it is and it’s surreal!  Sure things can be crazy, crazy busy and even crazy loud at times…but that my friends it what makes life so miraculous.  Friends, family, laughter and fun is what we do best! Come hang out with me for an amazing stress free time, let’s capture this amazing moment in YOUR life. 

Trust  me, it  is  something  you  will never  regret.

On a daily basis I have to remind myself that THIS is my job.

My job ya'll!!
I have always loved that feeling you get when you see a priceless photo of your family/children. I started this journey as a photographer in Omaha for that exact reason, to give YOU that feeling. Then there is me, I get to GIVE you those feelings, that memory. We are literally freezing a moment in time. Capturing it for you to look back on and remember everything about that day, that year, your life as you know it and will want to remember it. My life as I know it? Jeremy, my hubby, my rock and my biggest fan, and I have been together for 20 years (high school sweethearts). Together, we have the most beautiful almost 11 year old girl, OUR DANCER.